Whether you’re a singer, actor, voiceover artist, or other vocal professional, your livelihood depends on your voice. Having a good relationship with a voice doctor familiar with your instrument and the unique demands of your profession are critical to maintaining the long-term health and integrity of your voice.
A voice doctor has specialized training, equipment, and experience that other ear, nose, and throat doctors don't have. If you have never visited a voice doctor, it is important to develop a relationship early in your career. Your voice doctor becomes your ally – someone who knows you and knows your instrument; someone who can expertly monitor your voice over time and identify and preemptively treat vocal issues before they become serious. And in the event of sudden symptoms or health issues – especially if you are on the road – you’re only a phone call away from someone you trust who can offer support and treatment to keep your voice in top shape.

Common Voice Disorders
Your voice is not just your vocal cords. Your sound comes from your whole body. It comes from the shape of your chest cavity, head space and aeration, size and shape of your vocal cords and other laryngeal structures. It is also a function of your abdominal power and lung capacity. In fact, most vocal issues do not stem from the vocal cords at all. Prevention is key. When symptoms are caught early and treated properly, more serious problems, such as nodules, can be avoided.
Voice disorders fall into several general categories. Click on each topic to learn more.